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Decoupling your game loop

2020-03-02 by Quinlan Pfiffersoftwarehow-to

In an effort to write more, I’m just doing whatever I want and lowering my barrier to entry for posting here. One of the things that I’ve done a couple times recently is decoupled my update and draw loops in a couple of different applications. One was Voidcrash which I’ve been working on sporadically for a little while, and the other is a personal management tool I’m just calling mgm.

The main idea is pretty simple: You want your state-update code to run as often as possible (especially for physics simulations) or really just as close to real-time as possible. You also want it to be agnostic of real-world time, so it should keep working in less-than-ideal circumstances.

For example, you have a physics simulation that you want to run at 60 frames-per-second, but your computer is multi-tasking and chugging either doing something else (like rendering that same physics sim) or just running a web-browser. Your update loop should do it’s best to compare real-world, elapsed time with the number of steps that should have happened in it’s simulation, so it’ll either compute many frames of simulation per function call, or not do anything because not enough time has elapsed. It’s a neat idea, and avoids problems like games running too fast.

Voidcrash is in Lua (and LÖVE2D!), so let’s look at it first since it’s a bit easier to parse at first glance.


function MapState:update(game_state, dt)
    self.dtotal = self.dtotal + dt
    if self.dtotal >= constants.TICKER_RATE then
        -- Do updates here.

The only outside context you really need to know here is that dt (the argument) is the delta-time (in seconds) from the last time this function was called, which is very useful. We then take and add that delta to the total delta we have (self.dtotal here). We then compare the number of seconds that have passed with our TICKER_RATE, which in this case is 60 frames per second. If this is greater than the ticker rate, we do our state-update. Simple!

For a little more complex example, heres the mgm one with ncurses and C:

#define TICKER_RATE (1.0f/60.0f) * 1000

void update(struct app_state_t *main_state) {
    /* Initial stuff for time display and dirty flagging */
    const uint64_t now_ms = get_ms_now();
    main_state->update_dt = now_ms - main_state->last_update_time;
    main_state->update_dtotal += main_state->update_dt;

    main_state->last_update_time = now_ms;

    if (main_state->update_dtotal >= TICKER_RATE) {
        main_state->update_dtotal -= TICKER_RATE;

        /* Do more updates here */

A very similar concept, and not that different from the Lua implementation, except that we have to get our own delta-time. This is the update() loop, but I also have the draw loop specified this way since ncurses doesn’t like being rendered a lot (it flickers). One caveat with the C version is that you have to make sure you’re specifying your TICKER_RATE as floating point math: I forgot that integer division truncates, so my loop was running REAL fast.

Anyway I just wanted to write this up because writing is useful. Hopefully you’ve learned something here. Go forth and write some loops!